More on Waivers and the Rule of Law
We’ve been reminded in the past few weeks that we live in a world where Congress passes vast, expansive laws that make grand promises and that few if any members of Congress actually read, and then inserts into them the power for the president or his appointees to waive sections of them when they become unworkable or bump up against the interests of the well connected. ... Over the past decade Congress has passed many such expansive and aspirational laws—the Patriot Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, TARP, the stimulus bill (“the Democrats’ Patriot Act“), the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act—that put power into the hands of the bureaucracy. My colleagues at the Cato Institute and I have often warned members of Congress about the dangers of that practice, often pointing out that someday the White House will be in the hands of the other party, and they may not like what their opponents do with such sweeping powers. Appealing to conservatives in a column on the detention of Jose Padilla, Robert A. Levy wrote, “Even persons convinced that President Bush cherishes civil liberties and understands that the Constitution is not mere scrap paper, must be unsettled by the prospect that an unknown and less honorable successor could exploit some of the dangerous precedents that the Bush administration has put in place.” In a column on President Obama’s intervention into the economy, I asked Democrats, “If you still have warm feelings toward Obama and his good intentions, ask yourself this: Will you feel comfortable one day when the appointees of President Romney or President Palin are exercising unconstitutional, unauthorized, unreviewable authority to restructure the economy the way they see fit?” And that’s why I wrote in the Britannica entry on libertarianism, “A fundamental characteristic of libertarian thinking is a deep skepticism of government power.” Would that liberals and conservatives displayed the same skepticism.Full column here.
Posted on August 15, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty
The Rule of Waivers
Displaying the civility that liberal pundits have been calling for in these polarized times, Matt Yglesias tweets that "David Boaz is dumb" for suggesting that the use of waivers of existing law by three Cabinet secretaries is "the exercise of arbitrary and autocratic power" when, he notes, "Cabinet secretaries get the authority to waive legislation from congress." It's true that I didn't realize that the new Federal Aviation Administration funding bill, entirely written in the Republican House of Representatives and passed without alteration by two senators representing the Democratic Senate, included a provision (Section 406(c)) allowing the secretary of transportation to waive the small-airport subsidy cap:
,Subsidy Cap- Subject to the availability of funds, the Secretary may waive, on a case-by-case basis, the subsidy-per-passenger cap established by section 332 of Public Law 106-69 (113 Stat. 1022). A waiver issued under this subsection shall remain in effect for a limited period of time, as determined by the Secretary.
Since that was the entire sticking point between House and Senate, it didn't occur to me that the House would have included a clause allowing the secretary to ignore it. And actually, it's not clear they did; the law says "subject to the availability of funds," but waiving the subsidy cap — i.e., allowing the subsidies to continue — is going to cost more money, not less. Still, it's at least plausible that Secretary Ray LaHood is within the law to waive the cap and continue business as usual.
But that's not the main point. The real problem, as I wrote last week, is that:
,The rule of waivers is not the rule of law.
We've been reminded in the past few weeks that we live in a world where Congress passes vast, expansive laws that make grand promises and that few if any members of Congress actually read, and then inserts into them the power for the president or his appointees to waive sections of them when they become unworkable or bump up against the interests of the well connected. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced that he will waive the always unrealistic centerpiece requirement of the No Child Left Behind school accountability law, that 100 percent of students be proficient in math and reading by 2014. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has already granted more than 1,000 waivers from the provisions of the new health care law. One problem with such waivers, of course, is the suspicion that they will be granted to the politically connected or even to political supporters. Philip Hamburger of Columbia Law School says waivers raise "questions about whether we live under a government of laws. Congress can pass statutes that apply to some businesses and not others, but once a law has passed — and therefore is binding — how can the executive branch relieve some Americans of their obligation to obey it?"
The delegation of legislative power to the bureaucracy is an increasing problem. Until Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, it was understood that the U.S. Constitution gave the exclusive power of lawmaking to Congress. In conformity to the rule of law, it gave the president the power to execute the laws and the judiciary the power to interpret and enforce them. In the 1930s, however, Congress started passing broad laws and leaving the details up to administrative agencies. Such agencies — the Agriculture Department, the Federal Trade Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, and countless more — now churn out rules and regulations that clearly have the force of law but were never passed by the constitutional lawmaking authority. Sometimes Congress didn't know how to make its broad promises real, sometimes it didn't want to vote on the actual tradeoffs involved in giving some people what they wanted at the expense of other people, sometimes it just couldn't be bothered with the details. The result is tens of thousands of bureaucrats churning out laws — 80,000 pages of them in a typical year — for which Congress takes no responsibility.
Compounding the insult to the rule of law is that these agencies then interpret and enforce their own rules, deciding how they will apply in each individual case. They are legislator, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner, all in one agency — as clear a violation of the rule of law as one could imagine. A particular problem is the federalization and criminalization of environmental law over the past three decades. In its zeal to protect the environment, the federal government has created a web of regulations so dense that compliance with the law is essentially unachievable. Prosecutors and courts have stripped environmental criminal suspects of such traditional legal defenses as good faith, fair warning, and double jeopardy, while effectively requiring potential suspects to incriminate themselves. It is when pursuing a goal as public-spirited as environmental protection that we must remind ourselves to be most careful in following rules and abiding by constitutional protections, lest the worth of the goal lead us to erode the principles that allow us to achieve all our goals.
Over the past decade Congress has passed many such expansive and aspirational laws — the Patriot Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, TARP, the stimulus bill ("the Democrats' Patriot Act"), the Patient Power and Affordable Care Act — that put power into the hands of the bureaucracy. My colleagues at the Cato Institute and I have often warned members of Congress about the dangers of that practice, often pointing out that someday the White House will be in the hands of the other party, and they may not like what their opponents do with such sweeping powers. Appealing to conservatives in a column on the detention of Jose Padilla, Robert A. Levy wrote, "Even persons convinced that President Bush cherishes civil liberties and understands that the Constitution is not mere scrap paper, must be unsettled by the prospect that an unknown and less honorable successor could exploit some of the dangerous precedents that the Bush administration has put in place." In a column on President Obama's intervention into the economy, I asked Democrats, "If you still have warm feelings toward Obama and his good intentions, ask yourself this: Will you feel comfortable one day when the appointees of President Romney or President Palin are exercising unconstitutional, unauthorized, unreviewable authority to restructure the economy the way they see fit?"
And that's why I wrote in the Britannica entry on libertarianism, "A fundamental characteristic of libertarian thinking is a deep skepticism of government power." Would that liberals and conservatives displayed the same skepticism.
Posted on August 15, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty
The Hayek Surge Continues

Posted on August 14, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Is Obama Worse Than Carter and Bush?
A possible Great Depression haunts the land. Primarily one man is to blame: President Obama. Mr. Obama has racked up more than $4 trillion in debt.Yes, he has. And that's almost as much as the $5 trillion in debt rung up by his predecessor, George W. Bush. True, on an annual basis Obama is leaving Bush in the dust. But acceleration has been the name of the game: In 190 years, 39 presidents racked up a trillion dollars in debt. The next three presidents ran the debt up to about $5.73 trillion. Then Bush 43 almost doubled the total public debt, to $10.7 trillion, in eight years. And now the 44th president has added almost $4 trillion in two years and seven months. (Here's an online video depicting each president's debt accumulation as driving speed.) So Obama is winning the debt war, but it's not like he caused the debt crisis or the unemployment crisis all by himself. And then, trying to prove that Obama is even worse than Jimmy Carter -- even worse than Jimmy Carter! -- Kuhner makes this curious claim:
Most importantly, Mr. Carter had respect for the dignity and integrity of the presidency. He never trashed his opponents the way Mr. Obama does.Really? Maybe Mr. Kuhner is too young to remember Carter, and didn't bother to check his claim, or maybe he just got carried away. But I can remember October 1980, when President Carter repeatedly said that the election of Ronald Reagan would be "a catastrophe" that would mean an America
separated, black from white, Jew from Christian, North from South, rural from urban.Liberal columnist Anthony Lewis asked in the New York Times, "Has there ever been a campaign as vacuous, as negative, as whiny? Probably so -- somewhere back in the mists of the American Presidency. But it would take a good deal of research to come up with anything like Jimmy Carter's performance in the campaign of 1980." The venerable Hugh Sidey wrote in Time magazine, "The wrath that escapes Carter's lips about racism and hatred when he prays and poses as the epitome of Christian charity leads even his supporters to protest his meanness." Obama is a big spender who portrays himself as a "beyond left and right" above-the-fray president trying to work with everyone while demonizing his opponents. But let's not forget the meanness of Jimmy Carter and the spendthrift record of George W. Bush in seeking to establish Obama's uniqueness.
Posted on August 13, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Deficits, Debt, and Debasement
A more aggressive strategy would be letting inflation rise above the Fed’s comfort level of 2 percent or so to, say, 4 percent. That could help the economy by easing the repayment of debt."Easing the repayment of debt": that is, paying your creditors less in real terms than they had expected. That's a slow-mo default. And it's the path that Scott Beaulier and Peter Boettke warn about in the cover story of the current issue of Cato Policy Report: "Deficits, Debt, and Debasement":
Debasement is the "pretend payment" of debt that occurs when governments inflate their currency by printing money. It's a problem of nearly every government, from the "bread and circuses" of ancient times through today. In the 18th century, governments debased their currencies by trimming metal coins and recirculating them. By making a coin worth less in real terms, governments throughout Europe were able to spend beyond their means. "The honour of a state is surely very poorly provided for," Adam Smith wrote in 1776, "when in order to cover the disgrace of real bankruptcy, it has recourse to a juggling trick of this kind." Today, paper money limits governments' ability to physically trim the edges of metal coins. But by printing money to pay off debts, governments debase the currency and ultimately erode its purchasing power. Simply put, they are using a slight variation of the same "juggling trick" to achieve their ends: by pushing the debt problem into the future, they hide the full cost of repayment to the public.Read more...
Posted on August 12, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty
David Boaz on his blog post “What Shift Right?” on FBN
Posted on August 11, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Puritans, Politicians, and Paternalism: Can We Take Back Control of Our Own Lives?
Posted on August 10, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty
What Shift Right?

"The New Deal programs have been weakened and destroyed over decades, and there are just many fewer elements in the safety net," says Alan Brinkley, a historian at Columbia University and author of "Liberalism and its Discontents."But what is he talking about? Social Security is bigger than ever, and we've added Medicare, Medicaid, the Medicare prescription drug entitlement, and food stamps. Farm subsidies are still in business, in far different economic conditions from those that allegedly required the creation of price supports and other payments. Two years ago, in a review of two books on the rise of conservatism, Brian Doherty noted:
the right has shown an amazing ability to fool almost everyone, from average voters to academic historians like Schneider and Phillips-Fein, into believing that the conservative movement has won key victories and substantially achieved its most important goals.... And the free market? Under both Democrats and Republicans, the general direction of the U.S. government has been toward more spending, more taxing, and more federal control, even if Reagan did succeed in dramatically lowering the highest marginal tax rates. Otherwise smart observers such as Schneider and Phillips-Fein miss these facts, conflating the success of the Republican Party, as it comes and goes, with the success of conservative ideas. Phillips-Fein expresses this confusion about right-wing success most baldly, declaring out of nowhere, to buttress the significance of her topic, that “the New Deal has been turned back.” Except for court packing and the National Recovery Administration, every significant practice, and certainly every big idea, behind the New Deal has only gotten stronger in the last 60 years.Marlantes seems to make the same mistake. She notes that the percentage of self-described conservatives has risen in the Gallup Poll. But considering how much the federal budget has increased, the increase in conservative sentiment is pretty modest. Shouldn't people who call themselves "moderates" when the federal budget is $2 trillion (about 2002) be "conservatives" now that it's approaching $4 trillion? And yet most of them don't. By the way, Marlantes does note that "generational changes are clearly pushing public opinion to the left when it comes to certain moral and cultural issues, most notably gay rights," a point that I've also made. A shift to the right? In politics, maybe. In the actual size of government, no.
Posted on August 9, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty
David Boaz discusses the debt deal on WJR’s The Frank Beckmann Show
Posted on August 8, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty
The Road to Czardom
Mr. Duncan told reporters that he was acting because Congress had failed to rewrite the Bush-era law, which he called a “slow-motion train wreck.”Again, I too think Congress should rewrite -- or repeal -- this law. But alas, it hasn't done so. Even the Times, often comfortable with the exercise of federal and executive power, notices that
The administration’s plan amounts to the most sweeping use of executive authority to rewrite federal education law since Washington expanded its involvement in education in the 1960s.Which is a little misleading; in the 1960s Congress passed laws that extended federal power over local schools. The exercise of executive power is a different issue. Duncan's plan to waive bad provisions of a law is reminiscent of the more than 1,000 waivers from the provisions of the new health care law that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has already granted. One problem with such waivers, of course, is the suspicion that they will be granted to the politically connected or even to political supporters. Philip Hamburger of Columbia Law School says waivers raise "questions about whether we live under a government of laws. Congress can pass statutes that apply to some businesses and not others, but once a law has passed — and therefore is binding — how can the executive branch relieve some Americans of their obligation to obey it?" The rule of waivers is not the rule of law. Congress has far too often been supine in the face of executive power. In fact, it could be argued that Congress is as eager to avoid responsibility for lawmaking as presidents are to arrogate it. Duncan's argument that he was acting because Congress had not brings to mind former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel's statement a year ago:
“We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues.”"To get the job done" -- that is, to pass laws that the people's elected representatives have declined to pass. That's not separation of powers, that's the road to czardom.
Posted on August 8, 2011 Posted to Cato@Liberty