Johan Norberg on Bubbles Yet to Come

There is a broad consensus that the financial crisis of 2007 was at least in part a result of record-low interest rates, huge deficits and large-scale credit-financed consumption. Today, governments across the world are trying to solve the crisis — by means of record-low interest rates, huge deficits and large-scale credit-financed consumption. This time, they are also using more novel means of creating easy money: bank bailouts, stimulus packages and quantitative easing.After discussing the soaring debt burdens of European countries, Norberg writes:
At this point, it is traditional to say: thank God for those roaring economics in East Asia, India and Brazil. But how real is their remarkable growth? Look closely, and even this may be in part a result of artificial stimulus. India’s and Brazil’s growth is financed by short-term capital from abroad: money that could disappear overnight. Easy money always ends up somewhere. The last time it was in property, this time it is in emerging markets (and often in the property markets of emerging markets).... Aside from the foreign capital inflows, China had its own stimulus package, as big as America’s. Beijing has printed yuan and pushed banks and local governments to spend like drunken Keynesians. Absurdly, China’s money supply is now larger than America’s, even though its economy is a third of the size. We can see the results of this stimulus in stock market prices and in new roads, bridges and housing complexes all over the country.Happy New Year! And watch for more on incipient bubbles in the January-February issue of Cato Policy Report.
Posted on December 30, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Is Chuck Hagel a Republican?
- Voted for the Iraq war
- Voted for the Patriot Act
- Voted for the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts
- Voted against No Child Left Behind
- Voted against Bush's Medicare prescription drug bill
- Voted against McCain-Feingold
Posted on December 27, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Are Republicans to the Right of Pat Robertson?
Posted on December 23, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
The Incredible Expanding Afghan War

Posted on December 21, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Mega-Consumers against Consumerism
Posted on December 21, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Earmarks, Spending, and the Scope of the Federal Government
Wicker, along with Cochran, had by then already sponsored earmarks in the spending bill that would fund an airport expansion in Tunica ($1.75 million), new riverwalk lights in Columbus ($300,000), improvements to a hiking and biking trail in Hattiesburg ($700,000) and improvements to an assortment of bridges, highways, trails, railways and streets across Mississippi.A burgeoning Tea Party revolt against earmarks caused the bill to be withdrawn. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid held a press conference to defend earmarks as the constitutional duty of the people's elected representatives. (And, as many of our friends have emailed to tell us, held up a copy of the Cato pocket Constitution — 10 for $10 this Christmas season! — to make his point. Ah, well.) But the real problem here is not earmarks. The underlying issue is not whether members of Congress or unelected bureaucrats spend the money that Congress appropriates for highways and the like. The real question is, why are local roads and bridges and hiking trails and riverwalk lights being paid for by taxpayers across the country? If the people of Columbus, Mississippi, want new lights on their riverwalk, why are they asking the families of New Hampshire and Indiana and Oregon to pay for them? Shouldn't they pay for their own lights, and let the people of Hattiesburg pay for their own hiking trails, and let the people of Oregon pay for any roads, bridges, or hiking trails that they value? The fundamental problem is not earmarks. It is that the federal government is paying for clearly local and state responsibilities. Opponents of excessive spending should not stop at an earmark ban. They should insist that the federal government pay for national needs and leave state and local projects to the states and towns that want them.
Posted on December 17, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Selective Deficit Outrage
"Just over one week ago, the Democratic and Republican chairmen of President Obama's deficit commission called our national debt a 'cancer' that is threatening our country from within. They are right. A massive budget deficit and a crippling national debt are perhaps the most difficult challenges our government faces. As Coloradans know, our national security depends on our economic security - and each is threatened by skyrocketing debt and irresponsible budgeting," Udall said. "Days after the most substantive national conversation we've had about addressing the debt, the debate suddenly has turned to extending tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires that - alone - will cost $700 billion over the next decade. That's $700 billion in additional debt that the United States will owe to China and our other creditors around the world - debt that our children and grandchildren will be forced to pay. It's a ticking time-bomb that needs to be defused."Senator Udall has apparently had a Road to Damascus experience on the national debt. After all, he voted for the $787 billion stimulus bill. He voted for the incalculably expensive health care overhaul. He gets an F from the National Taxpayers Union every year, voting only 8 percent of the time in the last session for fiscal restraint. He sponsored bills during the 110th Congress to raise spending by $75 billion a year. Either he's only just discovered the national debt problem in the past few weeks, or he thinks spending is not the problem -- only a bill to not raise taxes is a "cancer" and "a ticking time-bomb."
Posted on December 13, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
President Obama, Overreacher-in-Chief
In a way, you have to give President Obama credit. In the face of manifest public opposition to most of his high-profile policies -- the health-care bill, the automobile company takeovers, cap-and-trade, higher government spending -- he pressed on and passed much of his ambitious, unpopular agenda. He said he’d rather be a “really good one-term president” than a “mediocre two-term president.” He may still escape that choice. But he certainly demonstrated that he was willing to sacrifice dozens of Democratic congressional seats in order to get a permanently larger federal government.... As David Paul Kuhn wrote at RealClearPolitics, Obama’s activist agenda “has revived the enduring American challenge to the state.” Some of us hope that that revival of the small-government impulse in American politics -- after the desert of the Bush years -- will be President Obama’s most lasting legacy.More Britannica bloggers on the first two years here.
Posted on December 13, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
The ‘Consumer Spending’ Myth
One of the most pernicious and widespread economic fallacies is the belief that consumption is the key to a healthy economy. We hear this idea all the time in the popular press and casual conversation, particularly during economic downturns. People say things like, “Well, if folks would just start buying things again, the economy would pick up” or “If we could only get more money in the hands of consumers, we’d get out of this recession.” This belief in the power of consumption is also what has guided much of economic policy in the last couple of years, with its endless stream of stimulus packages. This belief is an inheritance of misguided Keynesian thinking. Production, not consumption, is the source of wealth. If we want a healthy economy, we need to create the conditions under which producers can get on with the process of creating wealth for others to consume, and under which households and firms can engage in thesaving necessary to finance that production.... Putting more resources in the hands of consumers through a government stimulus package fails precisely because the wealth so transferred ultimately has to come from producers. This is obvious when the spending is financed by taxation, but it’s equally true for deficit spending and inflation. With deficit spending the wealth comes from producers’ purchases of government bonds. With inflation it comes proportionately from holders of dollars (obtained through acts of production) whose purchasing power is weakened by the excess supply of money. In neither case does government create wealth. Nor does consumption. The new ability to consume still originates in prior acts of production. If we want real stimulus, we need to free up producers by creating a more hospitable environment for production and not penalize the saving that finances them.
Posted on December 13, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
The Smoking Police Go after Obama and Boehner
In Washington and across the country there's understandably a great deal of speculation on whether President Obama and the incoming speaker of the House, John Boehner, can work together and on what issues. Here's a suggestion on where to start. Stop. Stop smoking.Yeah, that's what the country needs to achieve cooperation in Washington and peace in the world: tense and jittery leaders with a jones for a smoke. Really, why is it any of Tom Brokaw's business if the president has a cigarette? Brokaw goes on to quote the dubious recent claims of Surgeon General Regina Benjamin:
"Tobacco smoke damages almost every organ in your body. One cigarette can cause a heart attack" in smokers with underlying heart disease.Maybe it can. But if Boehner smokes a pack a day, I calculate he's smoked 292,000 cigarettes in the past 40 years. I guess he hasn't smoked that one bad one. Brokaw also mentions a study on the costs to society of smoking, a claim that other studies have rejected. There are plenty of reasons to criticize Obama and Boehner. But can't we leave their private habits alone? And then maybe in return they could stop nagging and legislating about our private habits.
Posted on December 12, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty