Three Views of Matt Ridley
What The Rational Optimist makes clear, in perspicuous prose and enchanting storytelling, is that, just as biological evolution populated the world with the wondrous variety of life, exchange allowed one of those species to achieve a wondrous standard of living that will only improve and become more uniform as we trade and invent.Powell doesn't find the book flawless, however. He identifies two problems that weaken Ridley's argument, the first dealing with the "circular and unconvincing" nature of his claim that trade caused our human ancestors to achieve humanity. The second concern is broader. Powell writes,
It would be easy to get the impression Ridley is Pollyannaish. If nuclear annihilation, super flus, and starvation are nothing to be worried about, what possibly could be? Unfortunately, Ridley’s response to this critique is less convincing than it could be, for he fails to adequately draw a line between when an anticipated disaster is real and when it’s just pessimism writ large.Henderson on Ridley David R. Henderson reviews the book in the latest issue of Regulation (pdf). Like Powell, Henderson enthusiastically endorses the style and substance of Ridley's book, though without identifying the weaknesses highlighted in the former review. His only point of contention with The Rational Optimist is a "jarring misstatement" regarding trade and value. Henderson writes,
Given the important role of trade in Ridley’s theory, and given his obvious understanding of trade, it is surprising that he makes a jarring misstatement: “For barter to work,” he writes, “two individuals do not need to offer things of equal value. Trade is often unequal, but still benefits both sides.” The correct statement is: “For barter or trade to work, individuals must offer things of unequal value.” If I valued what I give up the same as what I get in return, there would be no point in trading. Trading is always an exchange of unequal values.Henderson goes on to defend Ridley against the negative appraisal his book received in the New York Times. That review, written by famous foreign-aid critic William Easterly, attacked The Rational Optimist for its take on Africa and for failing to "confront[] honestly all the doubts about the ‘free market.'" "Really?" Henderson responds. "All the doubts? I do not know if such a book could be written with the requisite amount of evidence and have under 3,000 pages." Ridley on Ridley And then, of course, there's the source himself. In May, Ridley spoke at a Cato Institute book forum about The Rational Optimist. He discussed the core arguments of his book and concluded (optimistically) that technology and trade have now made it possible to stop trying to keep the world from getting worse, and instead focus on making it better. As with all Cato events, full video and audio are available for download on Or watch it right here:
Posted on September 30, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
P. J. O’Rourke on Tour

September 30 San Francisco, Palace Hotel October 7 Los Angeles, Beverly Wilshire October 13 Dallas, Ritz-Carlton October 14 Houston, Four Seasons October 28 Washington, Cato InstitutePretty swanky digs for a guy who once wrote Holidays in Hell. And sorry, San Franciscans -- obviously I should have posted this a week ago. But if you're a Cato Sponsor, you read about it in Cato Policy Report and you got an invitation. You can find more book signings and media appearances at
Posted on September 30, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Eat Your Vegetables — If You Want To
The New York Times reports that despite two decades of public health initiatives Americans still aren’t eating enough vegetables. Healthy eating is a priority of First Lady Michelle Obama. Should those of us with less than Olympic-calibre physiques heed the first lady's dietary advice? Does this smack of Big Brother -- or more precisely Big Sister -- wading into personal decisions? Could voluntary preferences on food issues morph into government mandates?Of all the "Washington elites" they surveyed, I was almost the only one to express skepticism about the First Lady's and the New York Times's expectations for the rest of us:
I was struck by that New York Times article on Saturday. The headline is "Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries." We Americans are just a constant trial to our elites. We cling not only to our religion and our guns but to our French fries. The government has TOLD us to eat vegetables, and yet we persist in eating tasty food. Soon we may be sent to our rooms without supper. And then the reporter wrote, in this news story, "Despite two decades of public health initiatives, stricter government dietary guidelines, record growth of farmers’ markets and the ease of products like salad in a bag, Americans still aren’t eating enough vegetables." America to the New York Times reporting staff: We'll decide the proper tradeoff between taste, price, nutrition and so on. "Enough vegetables" is a subjective decision, not a fact. More fundamentally, Why is it any of the federal government’s business how fit we are? We don’t need a national nanny. The federal government has an important role in our society. Its primary function is national security, and it hasn’t been doing a very good job. It should focus on that. Americans know that first they say you “should,” and the next thing you know they want to make it mandatory. Already people are talking about taxing junk food. And they’re filing suit against fast-food companies. We teach our kids to take responsibility for themselves and to Mind Your Own Business -- the government should take that advice. A lot of this is old-fashioned American Puritanism -- the idea that anything you enjoy is bad for you-- so they tell us don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t eat, recycle, practice safe sex, ride that bicycle. A subversive page editor at the New York Times inserted a pull quote (in the print edition) reading "Besides, the taste, trouble and cost, what's the problem?" Exactly. We Americans are sorry for being such a disappointment to the first lady and the New York Times. But not that sorry.
Posted on September 27, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Sorry I’m Late
Posted on September 22, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Libertarianism on NPR’s Planet Money
Posted on September 22, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Interview on Libertarians and Election 2010
Posted on September 21, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
What Do Social Conservatives Want?
- Mike Huckabee: "We need to understand there is a direct correlation between the stability of families and the stability of our economy.... The real reason we have poverty is we have a breakdown of the basic family structure."
- Jim DeMint: "It’s impossible to be a fiscal conservative unless you’re a social conservative because of the high cost of a dysfunctional society."
- Rick Santorum: "We can have no economic freedom unless we have good, virtuous moral people inspired by their faith."
The Family Research Council, the leading "family values" group, is similarly obsessed. In the most recent index of its publications, the two categories with the most listing are "Homosexual" and "Homosexual in the Military" -- a total of 34 items (plus four on AIDS). The organization has shown some interest in parenthood -- nine items on family structure, 13 on parenthood and six on teen pregnancy -- yet there are more items on homosexuality than on all of those issues combined. There was no listing for divorce. (Would it be unfair to point out that there are two items on "Parents' Rights" and none on "Parents' Responsibilities"?)Back then, conservatives still defended sodomy laws, as Santorum continued to do as late as 2003. These days, after the 2003 Supreme Court decision striking down such laws, most have moved on (though not the Montana and Texas Republican parties). Now they just campaign against gays in the military, gays adopting children, and gays getting married. Why all the focus on issues that would do nothing to solve the problems of "breakdown of the basic family structure" and "the high cost of a dysfunctional society"? Well, solving the problems of divorce and unwed motherhood is hard. And lots of Republican and conservative voters have been divorced. A constitutional amendment to ban divorce wouldn't go over very well with even the social-conservative constituency. Far better to pick on a small group, a group not perceived to be part of the Republican constituency, and blame them for social breakdown and its associated costs. But you won't find your keys on Main Street if you dropped them on Green Street, and you won't reduce the costs of social breakdown by keeping gays unmarried and not letting them adopt orphans.
Posted on September 20, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
The Dangerous Trade in Black-Market Cigarettes
Black-market cigarettes are costing many states hundreds of millions of dollars a year in lost tax revenue. And the lucrative, illicit trade is attracting violent criminal gangs that can be lethally ruthless. The rewards, and the risks, of dealing in contraband cigarettes became quite clear recently in northern Virginia, says Capt. Dennis Wilson of the Fairfax County Police Department. Undercover investigators working with his department "had two cases where contacts that we were working with had asked us to murder their competition," Wilson says.The problem is that exorbitant taxes in New York state and especially New York City can add as much as $60 to the cost of a carton of cigarettes. No wonder criminals including "organized crime groups with ties to Vietnam, Russia, Korea and China" are getting into the business of buying cigarettes in lower-taxed states and driving trailers full of them to the high-tax states. A Cato Policy Analysis warned about the problem of black markets and crime back in 2003, when the New York City tax was only $3.00 a pack ($30.00 a carton):
The failure of New York policymakers to consider the broader effects of high cigarette taxes has been a mistake repeated across the country in the stampede to maximize tax revenue from this demonized product. Too often, policymakers do not consider these effects in the erroneous belief that people do not respond to government-created economic incentives. The negative effects of high cigarette taxes in New York provide a cautionary tale that excessive tax rates have serious consequences--even for such a politically unpopular product as cigarettes.
Posted on September 20, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Social Conservatives Left Behind?
I think that the Tea Party movement is more of a Libertarian movement. I think that that's one of the things that has been like a myth out there, that it's a Republican-based. But not all of us are Libertarians. You know, we have Republicans, Democrats, independents, all over the spectrum. And that's why we stick to the issues that brought us together.In the Washington Times social conservatives complain about the tea party movement's emphasis on fiscal issues:
"There is suspicion among our social-conservative base that the new tea party/libertarian Republicans might soon view restrictions on abortion as they would any government proscription of private conduct," said former Oklahoma Gov. Frank A. Keating. [Not clear if this is also the position of his current employer, the American Council for Life Insurance.] "Some of my law enforcement friends have expressed similar views about a worrisome second look at drug laws," Mr. Keating added. "Perhaps it is fringe thinking and a fringe worry, but it is still a worry." In fact, many libertarian-minded Republicans - among them Senate nominee Rand Paul of Kentucky - have raised questions about the wisdom of the country's strict laws on drug use.Saturday's Wall Street Journal quotes me in a discussion of the Values Voter Summit and social conservatives' griping about the tea party:
[Christine] O'Donnell's appearance at the Values Voter Summit in Washington put a spotlight on the challenge facing social conservatives, prominent in GOP politics earlier in the decade, as they try to hitch themselves to the fiscal insurgents of 2010. They may be ideological soul mates, but that doesn't mean they'd govern the same way. "My sense of the average tea party-endorsed candidate this year is that what motivates them is their concern over spending and the national debt," said David Boaz, executive vice president of the libertarian Cato Institute. "If a gay-marriage ban came before Congress, they'd probably vote for it, but that's not what motivates them." Mr. Boaz predicted tea-party congressional freshmen would push for a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution, not an amendment to ban gay marriage. "I don't think there's likely to be a lot of social activism coming out of them," he said.... A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted in June found that just 2% of those identified as tea partiers put social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage at the top of their priority lists for federal action.The tea party is not a libertarian movement, but (at this point at least) it is a libertarian force in American politics. It's organizing Americans to come out in the streets, confront politicians, and vote on the issues of spending, deficits, debt, the size and scope of government, and the constitutional limits on government. That's a good thing. And if many of the tea partiers do hold socially conservative views (not all of them do), then it's a good thing for the American political system and for American freedom to keep them focused on shrinking the size and cost of the federal government. Liberals spend too much of their time being deathly afraid of the religious right. Brink Lindsey described contemporary American politics as a “libertarian consensus that mixes the social freedom of the left with the economic freedom of the right” in his book The Age of Abundance. Over the past 50 years, social conservatism has lost its battles against civil rights, against feminism, against sexual freedom, against gay rights. It hasn't even managed to reduce the illegitimacy rate. The real challenge in American politics today is to constrain and reverse the past decade's accumulation of money and power in Washington. And in that effort the tea party movement is on the front lines.
Posted on September 18, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Attacking Rand Paul by David Boaz
Posted on September 15, 2010 Posted to Cato@Liberty