Sign the Petition against Protectionism by David Boaz
You only have to glance at the headlines to know that protectionist pressures are rising around the world -- from the "Buy American" provision in the stimulus bill to the unnecessary trade war with Mexico to the World Bank's report last week that 17 members of the G-20 have recently implemented restrictive trade measures.
And you only have to read a history of the 1930s to know that a worldwide turn to protectionism deepened and lengthened the global depression.
So some people are starting an international campaign to protect and expand free trade. The Atlas Economic Research Foundation, the International Policy Network, and the Atlas Global Initiative for Free Trade, Peace, and Prosperity are sponsoring a global Freedom to Trade Petition to be released just before the upcoming G-20 meeting in London. To help head off another Smoot-Hawley-type spiral, please sign the petition. Academic economists, business and labor leaders, authors, and all concerned citizens are encouraged to sign.
And click on ShareThis below to tell your friends!
Posted on March 25, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Miss Manners’s Advice for President Obama by David Boaz
If you want to manage a coffee shop, Miss Manners suggests you first talk to those who do.She goes on to explain that bookstores may "do better selling books by being a neighborhood center than they would by checking to see that the tables are occupied only by people who are eating and drinking." But in any case, the bookstore managers are likely to have a better sense of this than customers who have not invested in the business. That's good advice for the Obama administration: If you want to manage a bank, an insurance company, an automobile manufacturer, or any other company, you might try talking to people with expertise. Better yet, you might even let those with skin in the game manage their own companies. If they make mistakes and the government doesn't bail them out, bad managers will soon enough be weeded out.
Posted on March 20, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Republicans Rediscover Their Big-Government Principles by David Boaz
President Bush . . . has spoken of the importance of the constitutional principle of federalism. Shortly after his inauguration, Bush said, "I’m going to make respect for federalism a priority in this administration." Unfortunately, the president’s actions have not matched his words. Federal police agents and prosecutors continue to raid medical marijuana clubs in California and Arizona.And as Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in dissenting from the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the power of the federal government to regulate medical marijuana:
If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything — and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers.That's the principle that Chuck Grassley defends. Republicans claim to be the small-government party — and President Obama's policies on taxes, spending, and regulation certainly justify a view that the GOP is, if not a small-government party, at least the smaller-government party — but they forget those principles when it comes to imposing their social values through federal force.
Posted on March 20, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Selective Taxation Is Tyranny by David Boaz
it looks like the answer here is simple: even though the purpose of this tax would pretty clearly be punitive with extreme prejudice, we need to carefully pretend that it's not. And we need to make sure the legislative history shows that it's not (it should be "manifestly regulatory and fiscal" Tribe says).Read more...
Posted on March 19, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Freedom for Yang Zili by David Boaz
What happened to the New Youth Study Group offers a glimpse into the methods the party uses to maintain its monopoly on power and the difficult moral choices faced by those caught in its grip. The fate of the study group also illustrates the thoroughness with which the party applies one of its most basic rules of survival: Consider any independent organization a potential threat and crush it. The eight members of the New Youth Study Group never agreed on a political platform and had no real source of funds. They never set up branches in other cities or recruited any other members. They never even managed to hold another meeting with full attendance; someone was always too busy. And yet they attracted the attention of China's two main security ministries. Reports about their activities reached officials at the highest levels of the party, including Luo Gan, the Politburo member responsible for internal security. Even the president then, Jiang Zemin, referred to the investigation as one of the most important in the nation, according to people who have seen an internal memo summarizing the comments of senior officials about the case.Such is life in a police state. Yang Zili spent eight years in prison for being brave enough to speak out against an authoritarian regime, which is 8 years too many in my book. Still, we can take comfort that he got out, and that his colleagues are slated to be released from prison next year. Unfortunately, many young internet activists brave enough to stand up for freedom still languish in jail.
Posted on March 19, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty
More Cheap Money from the Fed by David Boaz
Some Fed leaders have resisted buying Treasurys in the past because they were unsure whether it would help reduce borrowing costs and because they feared that it would appear that the central bank was simply printing money to finance the government's deficit, a hallmark of countries with poorly managed economies.
Posted on March 19, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty
The Incredible Expanding Stimulus Programs by David Boaz
APPLIANCE AND RETAIL INDUSTRY URGE QUICK ACTION ON CONSUMER REBATE PROGRAM FOR APPLIANCESIn case you're wondering, it's from the Association of Home Appliance Measures (AHAM). And it won't surprise you to hear that "The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) and the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) urge the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to quickly disburse funding to state energy offices for the Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Programs so that consumer rebates will be available for the summer months to purchase ENERGY STAR appliances." Yes, indeed, that's the way to get the economy moving again: get people out there buying new appliances. You know what I think would really stimulate the economy? Federal tax credits for contributions to free-market think tanks. Nonprofits are facing diminished revenues and layoffs during these tough times. A tax credit would "create or save up to 4 million jobs." OK, maybe not quite 4 million, but some number "up to" that. And by focusing the credit on free-market think tanks, you'd help to encourage sound long-term economic policy. It's a win-win idea. I should get out a press release.
Posted on March 18, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Chuck Schumer Endorses Hoover Plan by David Boaz
Those on the hard right say, "Cut government spending, let's go back to the old Reagan days." Well, the last president who did this when we were in this type of situation was Herbert Hoover. Herbert Hoover said the government should do nothing when we were in a recession, not a depression. We did nothing and it related [sic] to a depression.Reality check: Did President Hoover cut federal spending during the recession that became a depression? Not by a long shot.

Posted on March 12, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Time to Think about the Gold Standard? by David Boaz
"The gold standard is the solution to no actual problem that is of concern to anyone. I think it's a mistake to take a relatively professional and independent central bank for granted, but we have one. Inflation is low and predictable. The monetary climate is stable and amenable to savings and investment, etc." "What's the beef with the Fed? By my estimation, it's been one of the most effective, restrained government agencies over the last twenty five years. They've dramatically reduced the volatility of the business cycle while achieving low, reasonably constant inflation."Well. How's that confidence in central banking looking now? I'm reminded of Murray Rothbard's comment in 1975 about what the era of Vietnam, Watergate, and stagflation had done to trust in government:
Twenty years ago, the historian Cecelia Kenyon, writing of the Anti-Federalist opponents of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, chided them for being “men of little faith” – little faith, that is, in a strong central government. It is hard to think of anyone having such unexamined faith in government today.Partly in response to such criticisms of the gold standard, in February 2008 Cato published a paper by Professor Lawrence H. White, "Is the Gold Standard Still the Gold Standard among Monetary Systems?" White argued:
The gold standard is not a flawless monetary system. Neither is the fiat money alternative. In light of historical evidence about the comparative magnitude of these flaws, however, the gold standard is a policy option that deserves serious consideration. In a study covering many decades in a large sample of countries, Federal Reserve Bank economists found that "money growth and inflation are higher" under fiat standards than under gold and silver standards. A gold standard does not guarantee perfect steadiness in the growth of the money supply, but historical comparison shows that it has provided more moderate and steadier money growth in practice than the present-day alternative, politically empowering a central banking committee to determine growth in the stock of fiat money. From the perspective of limiting money growth appropriately, the gold standard is far from a crazy idea.And he quoted a devastating line from an essay (p. 104) by Peter Bernholz:
A study of about 30 currencies shows that there has not been a single case of a currency freely manipulated by its government or central bank since 1700 which enjoyed price stability for at least 30 years running.In February 2008 White's study didn't get much attention. Most people still thought the Greenspan-Bernanke Fed was doing a great job, so why talk about alternatives to fiat money? But now, after the crash of 2008 and the growing realization that Dow 14000 was the product of a cheap-money boom that led to the inevitable bust, maybe it's time to think about the gold standard or other constraints on politicized money creation.
Posted on March 12, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty
Hillary’s Shock Doctrine by David Boaz
Posted on March 9, 2009 Posted to Cato@Liberty